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Businesses Grow with Investments in Technology – Business VoIP Providers UK

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Businesses that have invested in VoIP systems are on the increase, and it’s easy to see why. Business VoIP Providers have seen a rise in business start-ups over the last year, and with this surge of new companies comes an increased need for communication software solutions such as IP phones services, for example.

There are many benefits of choosing IP telephony – but firstly let’s consider some statistics:

• Cisco claims more than 500 million mobile devices will be connected to wireless broadband networks by 2013.

• It is predicted that the average household will have 5 connected devices by 2015. This includes smartphones, tablets, computers, TV’s etc.…

The switching to cloud communications has been on the over the last few years, with the alternatives to business VoIP service providers in the UK more than ever before. Why? Simply put, cloud communication uses are fast, user-friendly and can be accessed from any device at any time – which means you’re always in touch no matter where you are.

• As well as this, it’s very cost efficient for companies that require a lot of calls on a day-to-day basis – boasting an average saving of between 20%-40%. This is especially beneficial for businesses whose employees work remotely.

• It also has great benefits when it comes to security. Cloud communications supplier s has state-of -the-art encryption software that protects against eavesdropping and hacking. Traditional telephone systems not only suffer from a lack of security but also have very limited storage capacity, which is where the cloud comes in.

• Cloud communications such as Business VoIP Providers UK give total control over what data you keep and where it is stored – many providers allow customers to download and store their call history, for example. Some even allow you to upload recordings or notes for future reference!

If you’re thinking about switching to cloud communications, then one of the first things you might want to consider is how much your current communication system is costing your business. This includes any devices, installation fees and maintenance costs etc.… By investing in an IP telephony solution now, you will be able to slash these costs in the long term. There’s no need to worry though, as many providers will be able to provide you with a comparison of your current costs and the potential savings you’ll make by switching.

This all sounds good in theory but how do I know which provider is right for meMenetalk – the best business VoIP Providers UK offer a comprehensive guide of their services, so take some time to browse through the site – there’s even an online system that can evaluate your business and compare it to others – this will give you an idea on what type of company would suit you best!