Call handling

Call forwarding & routing

Call transfer

Call analytics

IVR call menus

Dial by extension

Call Queuing



Call handling
Call handling
Call forwarding & routing
Call transfer
Call analytics
IVR call menus
Dial by extension
Call Queuing

Call handling

Call forwarding & routing

Call transfer

Call analytics

IVR call menus

Dial by extension

Call Queuing



Call forwarding & routing

Our call routing feature will ensure your inbound calls always reach their intended destination. This feature is really easy to set up and your business calls won’t be missed anymore. Important calls never be missed again as you will be able to route inbound calls to your next available number. You can set up your routing rules for your organization according to your requirement as we provide you with full flexibility and limitless editing capabilities. With this feature, you are free to forward them on to as many internal extensions as you like, as well as external numbers as you wish so that no calls are missed.
Menetalk cloud telephony enables you to provide your clients 24/7 customer service as you can route their calls to any of your available team members.

Call transfer

With this exciting feature, you will be able transfer your calls to next available team member. This call transfer service enables a user to relocate existing phone call to another user or phone. There is an option in this feature that enables one to transfer a call to another internal extension or also to another external phone also there is an option to answer the call before transferring it or cold transfer that is without picking up the call while warm call transfer that is picking up the call and transferring to another colleague

Call analytics

This feature enables you to monitor and tracking telephone calls and time spent on calls. This feature help you in managing daily call expenses, tracking employee productivity and detecting phone abuse without taking up employee’s time to manage the software. Besides that, you can learn and uncover the hidden insights of your communication through this feature.

IVR call menus

Create your own sophisticated touch tone IVR call menus for inbound calls when you are busy or out of office.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) able you to build more efficient caller experience and improve customer satisfaction by empowering your callers to choose the service or department where they want to reach. This feature can lead you to the right place you are heading to. You need not pay additional cost for setting up this feature.

Dial by extension

Menetalk’s cloud telephony enables your callers to directly reach the person or department they are calling to without waiting for long time.
Extensions cannot only be created to single users, but for groups or even the whole team. This feature makes easy for in team and outsiders to get in touch with the required team or department.

Call Queuing

Keeping callers on the line with menetalk’s efficient call queuing feature.
Our call queuing facility will not let you miss your important calls as this feature keeps the callers on queue without losing them. It also helps the callers to value their time and direct them to appropriate department without hang up the call.

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