Charges, Invoicing, Billing & Payments
Menetalk customer are liable for any charges raised due to calls made from their account. Call charges via Business Menetalk are calculated in accordance with the company’s latest tariff. This tariff can changes from time to time and will be displayed on our website Cost of call will be based on the length of the call and will rounded to the nearest minutes. Calls charges must accrue from data on which the customer commences use of this service. Menetalk customers need to purchase any calling credits in advance. Menetalk customers are billed from prepaid amount and the call will be terminated once account goes below the minimum amount. Porting in first attempt is free and failure will result in £20.00 each attempt.

Liability & Indemnification
Menetalk shall not be liable to the customer for harm to business lost revenues loss of anticipated savings, lost profits indirect consequential or special losses regardless of the form of action arising in connection with this agreement whether in contract fort or strict liability including and including without limitation, negligence of any kind whether active or passive. The company will not be liable for any loss damages or inconvenience suffered by the customer as a result of any suspension or termination of this service. Nothing in this agreement shall serve to limit either party’s liability in respect of personnel injury cause by or arising from that party’s negligence.
Delivery policy
Delivery policy is not applicable as this is a telecommunication service and not engaged in selling goods. Credit purchased online will be added to your account and a confirmation email will be send to your registered email address. Your account balance can be heard before every call you make and will reflect your purchase amount

Cancellation and Porting out Policy
These terms will remain in force until terminated by either party. Customers who would like to cancel the credits purchased from Menetalk should send notice in writing. Upon on cancellation, to and fro delivery charges will be applicable. Telecom service will be in effect for 1 month from date of written notice and will be charged according to the usage & an admin fee of £30.00 will be added on final invoice. Refund is not applicable for prepaid services. Menetalk reserve the rights to cancel our service to you in case of any material breach committed by the user.
When a number is ported out of menetalk, In addition to admin fee porting fee of £5.00/number will be applied on your account.
Refund Policy
Menetalk is safe and secure when ordering from our website. If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can request for cancellation and there by refund of money. There will be an admin fee of 3 pound for every refund. The refund will be made based on amount remaining on your account. If the account balance is less than 3 pound no refund will be provided. Quiits Consulting Ltd trading as Menetalk, intend to provide VoIP service to its customers based on terms & condition defined in this agreement.

Refund Policy
Menetalk is safe and secure when ordering from our website. If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can request for cancellation and there by refund of money. There will be an admin fee of 3 pound for every refund. The refund will be made based on amount remaining on your account. If the account balance is less than 3 pound no refund will be provided. Quiits Consulting Ltd trading as Menetalk, intend to provide VoIP service to its customers based on terms & condition defined in this agreement.